Sword Of The Lord With Electronic Edge

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

South Bend Tribune: Florida fears 'greening'

READ MORE:South Bend Tribune: Florida fears 'greening': "While Florida farmers have lost some of their crop to cold weather for the second year in a row, they say a fast-spreading, incurable bacteria presents a greater threat to their trees and the citrus industry.

Citrus greening has destroyed groves in the U.S., Brazil, Asia and Africa. Detected in Florida in 2005, it leaves fruit sour, malformed and unusable. Eventually, it kills the tree.

'Citrus is our signature crop,' said Florida Agriculture Commissioner Adam Putnam. 'The sheer economic impact it has on our state — it doesn't matter whether you live in a condo tower on Miami Beach or you live in Zolfo Springs, Florida, this impacts you as a Floridian because the demise of the Florida citrus industry would have environmental, economic and social impacts.'"

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