Sword Of The Lord With Electronic Edge

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

When YouTube sensation Ted Williams was removed from YouTube | Technically Incorrect - CNET News

READ MORE: When YouTube sensation Ted Williams was removed from YouTube | Technically Incorrect - CNET News: "So the story of Ted Williams, the so-called 'golden voice' , which was first posted on the Web site of the Columbus Dispatch, has moved people to emotive heights. Footage of Williams has been seen by a figure that might now be 15 million people on YouTube.
However, the original video didn't have a terribly long life on the site.
In its own story of how the video became a viral string-puller, the Dispatch explained that a poster called Ritchey uploaded it to YouTube with the message: 'Throwing this video from The Columbus Dispatch out there, hoping we can find this talent a place to call home.'
Rather than celebrate that one of its stories was being promoted, the Dispatch had YouTube take the video down, citing copyright."

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