Sword Of The Lord With Electronic Edge

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Euthanized Oklahoma puppy, Wall-E, rises from dead, now looking to be adopted by loving family

READ MORE: Euthanized Oklahoma puppy, Wall-E, rises from dead, now looking to be adopted by loving family: "A puppy euthanized by veterinarians has risen from the dead.

The black-and-white pooch was one of five young dogs put to sleep Saturday at a shelter in Sulphur, Okla., News 9 in Oklahoma City reported. Each dog was checked and confirmed to be dead, then the 3-month-old and his four siblings were placed in a trash bin.

On Sunday morning, an animal control officer looked into the bin and discovered that the one pup somehow survived."

I find it so disturbing that the remains of these puppies are placed in a trash bin rather than being disposed of humanely.

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