Sword Of The Lord With Electronic Edge

Tuesday, March 01, 2011

National Post editorial board: It’s time for a G20 inquiry | Full Comment | National Post

READ MORE: National Post editorial board: It’s time for a G20 inquiry | Full Comment | National Post: "Some of the allegations raised on Monday by the Canadian Civil Liberties Association (CCLA) and the National Union of Public and General Employees (NUPGE) border on wacky conspiracy theories. In their report on police handling of the G20 protests last June in Toronto, for instance, the two organizations imply that police and firefighters may have permitted vandalism to occur in order to give officers an excuse for a violent crackdown on protestors.

Nevertheless, enough real suspicion surrounds police behaviour to justify a joint, public federal-provincial inquiry into the incidents of alleged brutality during the international summit last June 26 and 27"

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