Sword Of The Lord With Electronic Edge

Monday, May 30, 2011

Activist Post: WHO caves: Allows smallpox stockpiling for three more years

Activist Post: WHO caves: Allows smallpox stockpiling for three more years: "The claimed need to protect against smallpox appears to be a ruse for the development of its use as a bioweapon. Given the history of its use in Native American genocide, the United States should be specifically banned from possessing the live virus. But, this is the same country that's radiating with impunity the Middle East with depleted uranium.

In A pox on the keepers of a killer virus, Ben Macintyre urges, “By destroying the last stocks, the world would be drawing a clear legal distinction: anyone in possession of the virus after that date would be guilty of a crime against humanity.”

Biological disarmament is not on the table, however, though the debate has been raging since smallpox eradication over 30 years ago."

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