Sword Of The Lord With Electronic Edge

Friday, June 03, 2011

Obama Deregulates GMO Crops Despite Supreme Court Injunction | Truthout

Obama Deregulates GMO Crops Despite Supreme Court Injunction | Truthout: "Early this spr­ing, while the world was dis­trac­ted by Egypt’s up­ris­ing, Pre­sident Barack Obama pus­hed the Sec­reta­ry of Ag­ricul­ture and the U.S. De­part­ment of Ag­ricul­ture to de­regulate genetical­ly en­gineered al­fal­fa and sugar beets in the Uni­ted States. The USDA came through as he di­rec­ted, total­ly de­regulat­ing these Monsanto-patented genes in early Feb­rua­ry.

In so doing, Obama and the USDA have chos­en to over­ride and ig­nore de­cis­ions and in­junc­tions made by the U.S. Sup­reme Court that ban­ned plant­ing of genetical­ly en­gineered al­fal­fa and sugar beets with­out con­sidera­tion of the En­viron­ment­al Im­pact As­sess­ments, which showed high risks to or­ganic and con­ven­tion­al (chem­ical) farm­ers.

So how does this af­fect you and me? Neith­er of us re­memb­ers see­ing al­fal­fa or sugar beets on our break­fast table or even on our Seder table. Or do we?"

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