Sword Of The Lord With Electronic Edge

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Social Security | Agriculture Defense Coalition

Social Security | Agriculture Defense Coalition: "There are currently seventeen bills pending in either the U.S. House of Representatives or the U.S. Senate that are related to changes in Social Security. This staggering number of Social Security bills, now being considered in various committees, where amendments will be added or the bills changed, shows how determined many elected officials are in either privatizing or killing two of the most beneficial programs to protect the public ever created (with the exception of the U.S. EPA and our Clear Air and Water Act Laws).

President Obama and members of the U.S. House and Senate have placed Social Security and Medicare on the chopping block in ongoing debt ceiling negotiations. In these secret negotiations, far away from public enlightenment or debate, deals are being cooked-up to undermine, cut or privatize these important and highly beneficial programs. "

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