Sword Of The Lord With Electronic Edge

Monday, August 01, 2011


SMOKING GUN: PREPARATION FOR WAR ON THE PEOPLE: "All available facts attest that the ESTABLISHMENT is preparing to make more war on the people. For us to win, we must know our enemy. This is a factual polemic outlining how our freedoms have been denied, and our resources looted for over 100 years by our enemies, the corrupt Super Rich Families, also known as the Ruling Class, Global Elites and the “ESTABLISHMENT”; who control Corporations, Unions, Government Officials in both parties, Media, Tax Free Foundations, Universities, Private Federal Reserve Bank and Think Tanks. These Members and Underlings of the ESTABLISHMENT are enemies of the people responsible for the looting and destruction of our Republic. Most people find this truth hard to accept. The ESTABLISHMENT’S ultimate objective is Marxist Global Governance (One World Order), Ultimate Power, and control of all the Money without any freedoms or Constitutional Rights for the people. Even the Bible allows us to hate and detest the ESTABLISHMENT for their heinous crimes which are second only to those of Judas Iscariot."

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