Sword Of The Lord With Electronic Edge

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

savethemales.ca - Trader Says Central Bankers Want Depression

savethemales.ca - Trader Says Central Bankers Want Depression: ""Governments do not rule the world. Goldman Sachs rules the world," independent trader Alessio Rastani told the BBC Monday morning.

He says GS and the big hedge funds know the "market is toast" and are moving their assets to "safe havens" like US Treasuries.

The clear implication is that the central bankers are precipitating a Depression, using sovereign debt (created by book entry and owed mostly to them) as an excuse to enact political change. They plan to use a Depression to consolidate their one-world tyranny.

Rastani's message is that individuals can protect themselves in the same way as Goldman Sachs by shorting the market.

"In less than 12 mos. I predict the savings of millions will be wiped out, and that's just the beginning...We forget that a lot of people made money as a result of the Great Depression."

We could dismiss this warning as a trader trying to profit from his short positions. We could dismiss him as an opportunist drumming up business for his advisory services "

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