Sword Of The Lord With Electronic Edge

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Birth certificate may be fake (poll) | president, failing, certificate - OUR VIEW - Colorado Springs Gazette, CO

Birth certificate may be fake (poll) | president, failing, certificate - OUR VIEW - Colorado Springs Gazette, CO: "Today, the editorial board’s prophesy came true. Obama released his long-form birth certificate and explained that it has kept the eyes of his opponent’s off the ball, providing “sideshows and carnival barkers” to distract from important fiscal policy matters.

White House Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer said this: “At a time of great consequence for this country — when we should be debating how we win the future, reduce our deficit, deal with high gas prices and bring stability to the Middle East, Washington, DC, was once again distracted by a fake issue.”

In other words, the hand is quicker than the eye and the joke was on you crazies.

Boyles, a high priest in the birther movement, has an enviable place in the mainstream media as host of the prime three hours on Denver’s top radio talk station, KHOW. Day after day for the past two years, when he wasn’t demonizing the infants of illegal immigrants, Boyles questioned the president’s citizenship and demanded to see the long-form birth certificate."

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