Sword Of The Lord With Electronic Edge

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Quake Hits Virginia, Shakes Eastern US, Perturbs Markets - MarketBeat - WSJ

Quake Hits Virginia, Shakes Eastern US, Perturbs Markets - MarketBeat - WSJ: An earthquake just hit Virginia, and the tremors were felt all the way up here in Manhattan, where markets were a little shaken, too.

The quake’s epicenter was in Mineral, Virginia, southwest of DC, in the middle of Virginia. The magnitude was 5.9, according to USGS — they upgraded that from an initial reading of 5.8.

Apparently there were tremors felt as far away as Martha’s Vineyard, Detroit and parts of Ohio. That’s a really wide area of impact for a relatively small quake.

Update: Just breezed through the many, many comments, and see that people are talking about feeling it as far away as Georgia and Canada. Wow.

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